Tabitha Goldstaub MBE

Non-Executive Director, Innovate Cambridge

Tabitha is an advisor to government, academia, philanthropy and business on all things AI and author of How To Talk To Robots - A Girlsguide to a World Dominated by AI.

Currently NED at Innovate Cambridge an initiative supporting the ecosystem to write an inclusive and sustainable innovation strategy for The Greater Cambridge Region.

Board member of Luminate on a mission to ensure that everyone – especially those who are underrepresented – has the information, rights, and power to influence the decisions that affect their lives.

Former Chair of the UK government's AI Council and member of the Digital Economy Council for which Tabitha was awarded and MBE for services to Artificial Intelligence.

Serial entrepreneur, Tabitha was the co-founder and Festival Director of CogX, a leadership summit for emerging technology and co-founder of video distribution company Rightster (IPO 2011.)